Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas mini-post time to do that other Alternative Literature post again. Com's not been avaliable much recently. Anyway, I think I wasn't in time for posting before Singapore's Christmas ended. Stupid time difference. LOL, anyway here's to a belated Happy Christmas to everyone out there, but in particular the following 2 people.

-Yukito Tsukishiro of Card Captor Sakura, whose birthday somewhat sorta coincidentally happens to fall on Christmas Day!!! Aww.....

-Teo Zi Cheng, ex CHS clssmate currently in VJC, whose birthday happens to fall on Christmas day too!!! Was his birthday rigged? Hmm...

A very happy birthday to you 2 as well!!!

Am feeling particularly retarded now. That's what happens when you abstain from Singapore's crazy education system...