Thursday, September 08, 2005

So it has Begun Again

I've pretty much lost count of the number of brilliant post ideas I've lost to the night. It seems my muse(?) has quite the tendency to arrive just before I go to sleep, only to have vanished without a trace when I've woken up-a by product of sleeping at 5am and waking up at 3pm during the holidays no doubt!It annoys me even more to look back at my holidays only to find that I have spent its countless nights playing Dynasty Warriors 4-what is probably THE most COMPLETELY, TOTALLY and UTTERLY repetitive game around, when I've so may other better things I could otherwise have done! Indeed, boredom is often but an euphemism for laziness and the shirking away from important things. It's perhaps lucky that school has started. It seems one of my major problems is finding motivation to do something properly constructive when on my own. The presence of studying something with others, or at least in the presence of others, often seems to up my willingness to do it.

But that, of course, is no excuse. I need more self-discipline.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cog Mall for EverythingempowerismCog Mall for Everything and empowerism items

10:46 pm  
Blogger harry_kinomoto said...

SPAM!? On BLOGS!? WHAT is the world coming to now?!

11:52 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since there's no tagboard, I'll leave my comment here.

Happy 18th Birthday.

- Strider -

1:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what's great about lit. It involves tons of discussion with friends, and that's why its enjoyable. I too find it hard to study by myself at home. Even if i had to study by myself, it has to be at some quiet, reclusive spot.

All the best for your coming A's.

1:52 pm  
Blogger harry_kinomoto said...

Strider: hehehe you remembered. Thanks!!

Raymond: Very true. The most boring Lit lessons are those taught by a teacher who almost READS from her notes! Having a really lively class helps alot though.

12:08 pm  

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